MXNet currently provides three control flow operators: cond
, foreach
and while_loop
. Like other MXNet operators, they all have a version for NDArray and a version for Symbol. These two versions have exactly the same semantics. We can take advantage of this and use them in Gluon to hybridize models.
In this tutorial, we use a few examples to demonstrate the use of control flow operators in Gluon and show how a model that requires control flow is hybridized.
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet.gluon import HybridBlock
is a for loop that iterates over the first dimension of the input data (it can be an array or a list of arrays). It is defined with the following signature:
foreach(body, data, init_states, name) => (outputs, states)
It runs the Python function defined in body
for every slice from the input arrays. The signature of the body
function is defined as follows:
body(data, states) => (outputs, states)
The inputs of the body
function have two parts: data
is a slice of an array (if there is only one input array in foreach
) or a list of slices (if there are a list of input arrays); states
are the arrays from the previous iteration. The outputs of the body
function also have two parts: outputs
is an array or a list of arrays; states
is the computation states of the current iteration. outputs
from all iterations are concatenated as the outputs of foreach
The following pseudocode illustrates the execution of foreach
def foreach(body, data, init_states):
states = init_states
outs = []
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
s = data[i]
out, states = body(s, states)
outs = mx.nd.stack(*outs)
return outs, states
works like mapforeach
can work like a map function of a functional language. In this case, the states of foreach
can be an empty list, which means the computation doesn't carry computation states across iterations.
In this example, we use foreach
to increase each element's value of an array by one.
data = mx.nd.arange(5)
[ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.]
<NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
def add1(data, _):
return data + 1, []
class Map(HybridBlock):
def hybrid_forward(self, F, data):
out, _ = F.contrib.foreach(add1, data, [])
return out
map_layer = Map()
out = map_layer(data)
[[ 1.]
[ 2.]
[ 3.]
[ 4.]
[ 5.]]
<NDArray 5x1 @cpu(0)>
We can hybridize the block and run the computation again. It should generate the same result.
out = map_layer(data)
[[ 1.]
[ 2.]
[ 3.]
[ 4.]
[ 5.]]
<NDArray 5x1 @cpu(0)>
works like scanforeach
can work like a scan function in a functional language. In this case, the outputs of the Python function is an empty list.
def sum(data, state):
return [], state + data
class Scan(HybridBlock):
def hybrid_forward(self, F, data):
_, state = F.contrib.foreach(sum, data, F.zeros((1)))
return state
scan_layer = Scan()
state = scan_layer(data)
[ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.]
<NDArray 5 @cpu(0)>
[ 10.]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
state = scan_layer(data)
[ 10.]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
with both outputs and statesThis is probably the most common use case of foreach
. We extend the previous scan example and return both output and states.
def sum(data, state):
return state + data, state + data
class ScanV2(HybridBlock):
def hybrid_forward(self, F, data):
out, state = F.contrib.foreach(sum, data, F.zeros((1)))
return out, state
scan_layer = ScanV2()
out, state = scan_layer(data)
[[ 0.]
[ 1.]
[ 3.]
[ 6.]
[ 10.]]
<NDArray 5x1 @cpu(0)>
[ 10.]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
out, state = scan_layer(data)
[[ 0.]
[ 1.]
[ 3.]
[ 6.]
[ 10.]]
<NDArray 5x1 @cpu(0)>
[ 10.]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>
to run an RNN on a variable-length sequencePrevious examples illustrate foreach
with simple use cases. Here we show an example of processing variable-length sequences with foreach
. The same idea is used by dynamic_rnn
in TensorFlow for processing variable-length sequences.
class DynamicRNNLayer(HybridBlock):
def __init__(self, cell, prefix=None, params=None):
super(DynamicRNNLayer, self).__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params)
self.cell = cell
def hybrid_forward(self, F, inputs, begin_state, valid_length):
states = begin_state
zeros = []
for s in states:
# the last state is the iteration number.
def loop_body(inputs, states):
cell_states = states[:-1]
# Get the iteration number from the states.
iter_no = states[-1]
out, new_states = self.cell(inputs, cell_states)
# Copy the old state if we have reached the end of a sequence.
for i, state in enumerate(cell_states):
new_states[i] = F.where(F.broadcast_greater(valid_length, iter_no),
new_states[i], state)
new_states.append(iter_no + 1)
return out, new_states
outputs, states = F.contrib.foreach(loop_body, inputs, states)
outputs = F.SequenceMask(outputs, sequence_length=valid_length,
use_sequence_length=True, axis=0)
# the last state is the iteration number. We don't need it.
return outputs, states[:-1]
seq_len = 10
batch_size = 2
input_size = 5
hidden_size = 6
rnn_data = mx.nd.normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(seq_len, batch_size, input_size))
init_states = [mx.nd.normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(batch_size, hidden_size)) for i in range(2)]
valid_length = mx.nd.round(mx.nd.random.uniform(low=1, high=10, shape=(batch_size)))
lstm = DynamicRNNLayer(mx.gluon.rnn.LSTMCell(hidden_size))
res, states = lstm(rnn_data, [x for x in init_states], valid_length)
res, states = lstm(rnn_data, [x for x in init_states], valid_length)
defines a while loop. It has the following signature:
while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars, max_iterations, name) => (outputs, states)
Instead of running over the first dimension of an array, while_loop
checks a condition function in every iteration and runs a body
function for computation. The signature of the body
function is defined as follows:
body(state1, state2, ...) => (outputs, states)
The inputs of the body
function in while_loop
are a little different from the one in foreach
. It has a variable number of input arguments. Each input argument is a loop variable and the number of arguments is determined by the number of loop variables. The outputs of the body
function also have two parts: outputs
is an array or a list of arrays; states
are loop variables and will be passed to the next iteration as inputs of body
. Like foreach
, both outputs
and states
can be an empty list. outputs
from all iterations are concatenated as the outputs of while_loop
is more general than foreach
. We can also use it to iterate over an array and sum all of its values together. In this example, instead of summing over the entire array, we only sum over the first 4 elements.
Note: the output arrays of the current implementation of while_loop
is determined by max_iterations
. As such, even though the while loop in this example runs 4 iterations, it still outputs an array of 5 elements. The last element in the output array is actually filled with an arbitrary value.
class ScanV2(HybridBlock):
def hybrid_forward(self, F, data):
def sum(state, i):
s = state + data[i]
return s, [s, i + 1]
def sum_cond(state, i):
return i < 4
out, state = F.contrib.while_loop(sum_cond, sum,
[F.zeros((1)), F.zeros((1))], max_iterations=5)
return out, state
scan_layer = ScanV2()
out, state = scan_layer(data)
[[ 0.]
[ 1.]
[ 3.]
[ 6.]
[ 0.]]
<NDArray 5x1 @cpu(0)>
[ 6.]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>,
[ 4.]
<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>]
defines an if condition. It has the following signature:
cond(pred, then_func, else_func, name)
checks pred
, which is a symbol or an NDArray with one element. If its value is true, it calls then_func
. Otherwise, it calls else_func
. The signature of then_func
and else_func
are as follows:
func() => [outputs]
requires all outputs from then_func
and else_func
have the same number of Symbols/NDArrays with the same shapes and data types.
Example 4 shows how to process a batch with sequences of different lengths. It performs computation for all steps but discards some of the computation results.
In this example, we show how to skip computation after we have reached the end of a sequence, whose length is indicated by length
. The code below only works for a batch with one sequence.
class SkipRNNCell(HybridBlock):
def __init__(self, cell, prefix=None, params=None):
super(SkipRNNCell, self).__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params)
self.cell = cell
def hybrid_forward(self, F, i, length, data, states):
def run_rnn():
return self.cell(data, states)
def copy_states():
return F.zeros_like(data), states
out, state = F.contrib.cond(i < length, run_rnn, copy_states)
return out, state
class RNNLayer(HybridBlock):
def __init__(self, cell, prefix=None, params=None):
super(RNNLayer, self).__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params)
self.cell = SkipRNNCell(cell)
def hybrid_forward(self, F, length, data, init_states):
def body(data, states):
i = states[0]
out, states = self.cell(i, length, data, states[1])
return out, [i + 1, states]
out, state = F.contrib.foreach(body, data, [F.zeros((1)), init_states])
return out, state
seq_len = 5
batch_size = 1
input_size = 3
hidden_size = 3
rnn_data = mx.nd.normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(seq_len, batch_size, input_size))
init_states = [mx.nd.normal(loc=0, scale=1, shape=(batch_size, hidden_size)) for i in range(2)]
cell = mx.gluon.rnn.LSTMCell(hidden_size)
layer = RNNLayer(cell)
out, states = layer(mx.nd.array([3]), rnn_data, init_states)
[[[-1.25296438 0.387312 -0.41055229]]
[[ 1.28453672 0.21001032 -0.08666432]]
[[ 1.46422136 -1.30581355 0.9344402 ]]
[[ 0.5380863 -0.16038011 0.84187603]]
[[-1.00553632 3.13221502 -0.4358989 ]]]
<NDArray 5x1x3 @cpu(0)>
[[[-0.02620504 0.1605694 0.29636264]]
[[-0.00474182 0.08719197 0.17757624]]
[[ 0.00631597 0.04674901 0.12468992]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. ]]
[[ 0. 0. 0. ]]]
<NDArray 5x1x3 @cpu(0)>
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