This topic provides answers to the frequently asked questions on mxnet/issues. Before posting an issue, please check this page. If you would like to contribute to this page, please make the questions and answers simple. If your answer is extremely detailed, please post it elsewhere and link to it.
You can find answers to most questions the build page.
Try to disable opencv to use a GPU: build opencv from source with GPU module disabled.
Check the following:
. This often increases speed 50+%. Try to use the newest version.export MXNET_CUDNN_AUTOTUNE_DEFAULT=1
before running. This often increases speed 10%-15%.nvidia-smi -e 0
, disable ECC. You might need root permission and have to reboot.nvidia-smi -ac ??
, set to the maximal clock. For details, see this blog.nvidia-smi -q -d PERFORMANCE
is often caused by temperature.Check the following:
.This might be due to the data pre-fetch. See issue 2111.
The following topics need to be reviewed.
Most MXNet model consists two parts, the argument arrays and symbol. You can simply copy the argument array to the argument array of another model. For example, in the Python model API, you can do this:
copied_model = mx.model.FeedForward(ctx=mx.gpu(), symbol=new_symbol,
arg_params=old_arg_params, aux_params=old_aux_params,
For information about copying model parameters from an existing old_arg_params
, see this notebook. More notebooks please refer to dmlc/mxnet-notebooks.
See this notebook. More notebooks please refer to dmlc/mxnet-notebooks.
MXNet is created in collaboration by authors from the three projects. MXNet reflects what we have learned from these projects. It combines the important aspects of the existing projects: general efficiency, flexibility, and memory efficiency.
MXNet also contains new approaches that allow you to combine different ways of programming and write CPU/GPU applications that are more memory efficient than CXXNet and Purine, and more flexible than Minerva.
Both MXNet and TensorFlow use computation graph abstraction, which was initially used by Theano, then adopted by other packages, such as CGT, Caffe2, and Purine. Currently, TensorFlow adopts an optimized symbolic API. MXNet supports a mixed approach, with a dynamic dependency scheduler to combine symbolic and imperative programming. In short, MXNet is lightweight and mixed with flexibility from imperative programming, while using a computation graph to make it very fast and memory efficient.
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