The model API provides a simplified way to train neural networks using common best practices. It's a thin wrapper built on top of the ndarray and symbolic modules that make neural network training easy.
To train a model, perform two steps: configure the model using the symbol parameter,
then call model.Feedforward.create
to create the model.
The following example creates a two-layer neural network.
// configure a two layer neuralnetwork
val data = Symbol.Variable("data")
val fc1 = Symbol.api.FullyConnected(data, num_hidden = 128, name = "fc1")
val act1 = Symbol.api.Activation(Some(fc1), "relu", "relu1")
val fc2 = Symbol.api.FullyConnected(Some(act1), num_hidden = 64, name = "fc2")
val softmax = Symbol.api.SoftmaxOutput(Some(fc2), name = "sm")
// Construct the FeedForward model and fit on the input training data
val model = FeedForward.newBuilder(softmax)
.setOptimizer(new SGD(learningRate = 0.01f, momentum = 0.9f, wd = 0.0001f))
You can also use the scikit-learn-style
construct and fit
function to create a model.
// create a model using sklearn-style two-step way
val model = new FeedForward(softmax,
numEpoch = numEpochs,
argParams = argParams,
auxParams = auxParams,
beginEpoch = beginEpoch,
epochSize = epochSize) = train)
For more information, see API Reference.
After the job is done, save your work.
We also provide save
and load
functions. You can use the load
function to load a model checkpoint from a file.
// checkpoint the model data into file,
// save a model to modelPrefix-symbol.json and modelPrefix-0100.params
val modelPrefix: String = "checkpt"
val num_epoch = 100
Model.saveCheckpoint(modelPrefix, epoch + 1, symbol, argParams, auxStates)
// load model back
val model_loaded = FeedForward.load(modelPrefix, num_epoch)
The advantage of these two save
and load
functions is that they are language agnostic.
You should be able to save and load directly into cloud storage, such as Amazon S3 and HDFS.
We recommend checkpointing your model after each iteration.
To do this, use EpochEndCallback
to add a Model.saveCheckpoint(<parameters>)
checkpoint callback to the function after each iteration .
// modelPrefix-symbol.json will be saved for symbol.
// modelPrefix-epoch.params will be saved for parameters.
// Checkpoint the model into file. Can specify parameters.
// For more information, check API doc.
val modelPrefix: String = "checkpt"
val checkpoint: EpochEndCallback =
if (modelPrefix == null) null
else new EpochEndCallback {
override def invoke(epoch: Int, symbol: Symbol,
argParams: Map[String, NDArray],
auxStates: Map[String, NDArray]): Unit = {
Model.saveCheckpoint(modelPrefix, epoch + 1, symbol, argParams, auxParams)
// Load model checkpoint from file. Returns symbol, argParams, auxParams.
val (_, argParams, _) = Model.loadCheckpoint(modelPrefix, num_epoch)
You can load the model checkpoint later using Model.loadCheckpoint(modelPrefix, num_epoch)
Set ctx
to the list of devices that you want to train on. You can create a list of devices in any way you want.
val devices = Array(Context.gpu(0), Context.gpu(1))
val model = new FeedForward(ctx = devices,
symbol = network,
numEpoch = numEpochs,
optimizer = optimizer,
epochSize = epochSize,
Training occurs in parallel on the GPUs that you specify.
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