Functionality for saving/restoring caches. This uses blobs.
Functionality for saving/restoring caches. This uses blobs.
(make-build-api-repository client)
Creates an ArtifactRepository
that can be used to upload/download caches
Creates an `ArtifactRepository` that can be used to upload/download caches
(restore-interceptor get-job-ctx)
Interceptor that restores caches using the given repo, build and job retrieved
from the context using get-job-ctx
. Adds details about the restored caches to
the context.
Interceptor that restores caches using the given repo, build and job retrieved from the context using `get-job-ctx`. Adds details about the restored caches to the context.
(save-caches rt)
If the job configured in the context uses caching, saves it according to the cache configurations.
If the job configured in the context uses caching, saves it according to the cache configurations.
(save-interceptor get-job-ctx)
Interceptor that saves caches using the repo, build and job retrieved
from the context using get-job-ctx
. Adds details about the saved caches to
the context.
Interceptor that saves caches using the repo, build and job retrieved from the context using `get-job-ctx`. Adds details about the saved caches to the context.
(wrap-caches f)
Wraps fn f
so that caches are restored/saved as configured on the job.
Wraps fn `f` so that caches are restored/saved as configured on the job.
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