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Clone and checkout git repos. This is mostly a wrapper for clj-jgit

Clone and checkout git repos.  This is mostly a wrapper for `clj-jgit`
raw docstring


(checkout repo id)


(clone {:keys [url dir] :as opts})

Clones the repo at given url, and checks out the given branch. Writes the files to dir. Returns a repo object that can be passed to other functions.

Clones the repo at given url, and checks out the given branch.  Writes the
files to `dir`.  Returns a repo object that can be passed to other functions.
sourceraw docstring


(clone+checkout {:keys [commit-id] :as opts})

Clones the repo, then performs a checkout of the given commit id

Clones the repo, then performs a checkout of the given commit id
sourceraw docstring


(copy-with-ignore src dest)
(copy-with-ignore src dest chain)

Copies files from src to dest but skip any files matching the .gitignore files

Copies files from src to dest but skip any files matching the .gitignore files
sourceraw docstring


(delete-repo repo)

Deletes the previously checked out local repo

Deletes the previously checked out local repo
sourceraw docstring




(prepare-ssh-keys {:keys [ssh-keys ssh-keys-dir] :as conf})

Writes any ssh keys in the options to a temp directory and returns their file names and key dir to be used by clj-jgit. If an ssh-keys-dir is configured, but no ssh-keys, then it is assumed the keys are already in place.

Writes any ssh keys in the options to a temp directory and returns their
file names and key dir to be used by clj-jgit.  If an `ssh-keys-dir` is
configured, but no `ssh-keys`, then it is assumed the keys are already 
in place.
sourceraw docstring


(repo-work-tree repo)

Gets the work tree location of the given repository

Gets the work tree location of the given repository
sourceraw docstring

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