Set up runtime for local builds
Set up runtime for local builds
(make-system conf)
Creates a component system that can be used for local builds
Creates a component system that can be used for local builds
Registers a listener in mailman to pipe all events to the event bus, where they will be picked up by the api server to send events to clients using SSE.
Registers a listener in mailman to pipe all events to the event bus, where they will be picked up by the api server to send events to clients using SSE.
Creates a new event stream, that can be used by the api server to send events to the client.
Creates a new event stream, that can be used by the api server to send events to the client.
(start-and-post conf evt)
Starts component system and posts an event to the event broker to trigger the action flow. Returns a deferred that will realize when the build ends, which can be used to wait upon.
Starts component system and posts an event to the event broker to trigger the action flow. Returns a deferred that will realize when the build ends, which can be used to wait upon.
cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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