Retrieves build sid from the request
Retrieves build sid from the request
(crypto-iv req)
(crypto-iv st cust-id)
Looks up crypto initialization vector for the customer associated with the request. If no crypto record is found, one is generated.
Looks up crypto initialization vector for the customer associated with the request. If no crypto record is found, one is generated.
(entity-creator saver id-generator)
Request handler to create a new entity
Request handler to create a new entity
(entity-deleter get-id deleter)
Request handler to delete an entity
Request handler to delete an entity
(entity-getter get-id getter)
Creates a generic request handler to retrieve a single entity by id
Creates a generic request handler to retrieve a single entity by id
(entity-updater get-id getter saver)
Request handler to update and existing entity
Request handler to update and existing entity
(find-ssh-keys st repo)
(find-ssh-keys st vault repo)
Finds ssh keys for the given repo, and if the vault is specified, also decrypts them.
Finds ssh keys for the given repo, and if the vault is specified, also decrypts them.
(from-rt req f)
Applies f
to the request runtime
Applies `f` to the request runtime
(gen-repo-display-id st obj)
Generates id from the object name. It lists existing repository display ids and generates an id from the name. If the display id is already taken, it adds an index.
Generates id from the object name. It lists existing repository display ids and generates an id from the name. If the display id is already taken, it adds an index.
(generic-routes {:keys [getter id-key creator new-schema updater update-schema
searcher search-schema deleter delete-schema
Generates generic entity routes. If child routes are given, they are added as additional routes after the full path.
Generates generic entity routes. If child routes are given, they are added as additional routes after the full path.
(get-for-repo-by-label finder tx req)
Uses the finder to retrieve a list of entities for the repository specified
by the request. Then filters them using the repo labels and their configured
label filters. Applies the transducer tx
before constructing the response.
Uses the finder to retrieve a list of entities for the repository specified by the request. Then filters them using the repo labels and their configured label filters. Applies the transducer `tx` before constructing the response.
(get-list-for-customer finder req)
Utility function that uses the finder
to fetch a list of things from storage
using the customer id from the request. Returns the result as a http response.
Utility function that uses the `finder` to fetch a list of things from storage using the customer id from the request. Returns the result as a http response.
Muuntaja decoder used to parse response bodies
Muuntaja decoder used to parse response bodies
(make-entity-endpoints entity
{:keys [get-id getter saver deleter new-id]
:or {new-id default-id}})
Creates default api functions for the given entity using the configuration
Creates default api functions for the given entity using the configuration
Creates muuntaja instance with custom settings
Creates muuntaja instance with custom settings
(parse-body resp)
Parses response body according to content type. Throws an exception if the content type is not supported.
Parses response body according to content type. Throws an exception if the content type is not supported.
Retrieves repo sid from the request
Retrieves repo sid from the request
(req->ext-uri req base)
Determines external host address using configuration, or request properties
Determines external host address using configuration, or request properties
Retrieves mailman component from request
Retrieves mailman component from request
(req->rt req)
Gets the runtime from the request
Gets the runtime from the request
(req->storage req)
Retrieves storage object from the request context
Retrieves storage object from the request context
(update-for-customer updater req)
Uses the updater
to save the request body using the customer id. Returns the
body with an id as a http response.
Uses the `updater` to save the request body using the customer id. Returns the body with an id as a http response.
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