Handles job execution and ordering in a build
Handles job execution and ordering in a build
(ex->result ex)
Creates result structure from an exception
Creates result structure from an exception
(filter-jobs pred jobs)
Applies a filter to the given jobs, but includes all dependencies of jobs that match the filter, even though the dependencies themselves may not match it.
Applies a filter to the given jobs, but includes all dependencies of jobs that match the filter, even though the dependencies themselves may not match it.
Base job protocol that is able to execute it, taking the runtime as argument.
Base job protocol that is able to execute it, taking the runtime as argument.
(execute! job rt)
(label-filter f)
Predicate function that matches a job by its labels
Predicate function that matches a job by its labels
(next-jobs jobs)
Returns a list of next jobs that are eligible for execution. If all jobs are
pending, returns the starting jobs, those that don't have any dependencies.
Otherwise returns all pending jobs that have their dependencies fulfilled.
Returns a list of next jobs that are eligible for execution. If all jobs are pending, returns the starting jobs, those that don't have any dependencies. Otherwise returns all pending jobs that have their dependencies fulfilled.
(resolve-all rt jobs)
Resolves all jobs, removes anything that's not resolvable or not a job.
Resolves all jobs, removes anything that's not resolvable or not a job.
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