Oracle cloud specific functionality
Oracle cloud specific functionality
(add-interceptor ctx i)
Adds the given interceptor before all other inceptors of the Martian context
Adds the given interceptor before all other inceptors of the Martian context
Architectures mapped to OCI shapes
Architectures mapped to OCI shapes
(base-work-dir build)
Determines the base work dir to use inside the container
Determines the base work dir to use inside the container
(checkout-subdir n)
Returns the path for n
as a subdir of the checkout dir
Returns the path for `n` as a subdir of the checkout dir
(config-entry n v)
Creates an entry config for a volume, where the contents are base64 encoded.
Creates an entry config for a volume, where the contents are base64 encoded.
(credit-multiplier {:keys [shape shape-config]})
(credit-multiplier arch cpus mem)
Calculates the credit multiplier that needs to be applied for the container instance. This varies depending on the architecture, number of cpu's and amount of memory.
Calculates the credit multiplier that needs to be applied for the container instance. This varies depending on the architecture, number of cpu's and amount of memory.
(delete-ci-interceptor client)
Deletes the container instance associated with the build
Deletes the container instance associated with the build
(find-mount c n)
Finds mount with given volume name in the container
Finds mount with given volume name in the container
(find-volume ci n)
Finds volume with given name in the container instance
Finds volume with given name in the container instance
Retrieves container instance id from the context
Retrieves container instance id from the context
(get-full-instance-details client id)
Retrieves full container instance details by retrieving the container instance information, and fetching container details as well.
Retrieves full container instance details by retrieving the container instance information, and fetching container details as well.
(instance-config conf)
Generates a skeleton instance configuration, generated from the oci configuration.
Generates a skeleton instance configuration, generated from the oci configuration.
(invocation-interceptor kind)
A Martian interceptor that dispatches telemere events for each invocation. Useful for metrics to know how many api calls were done.
A Martian interceptor that dispatches telemere events for each invocation. Useful for metrics to know how many api calls were done.
(list-active-instances client cid)
Lists all active container instances for the given compartment id
Lists all active container instances for the given compartment id
(start-ci-interceptor client)
Interceptor that starts container instance using the config specified in the context
Interceptor that starts container instance using the config specified in the context
(stream-to-bucket conf in)
Pipes an input stream to a bucket object using multipart uploads. Returns a deferred that will resolve when the upload completes. That is, when the input stream closes, or an error occurs.
Pipes an input stream to a bucket object using multipart uploads. Returns a deferred that will resolve when the upload completes. That is, when the input stream closes, or an error occurs.
(with-retry f)
Invokes f
with async retry
Invokes `f` with async retry
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