Event routes for local build runners. When running a build locally via cli, these routes will be registered in mailman and will perform all necessary build steps.
Running a local build uses the same event flow as server-side builds. Depending on the configuration, routes may differ (e.g. different handlers or interceptors). A local build can either run in a child process, or it can run in a container. In any case, the container jobs are run in containers and action jobs are run by the script process.
Blobs (artifacts, caches) are always stored locally, but this can vary depending on configuration. If run in a container, a volume can be used.
The build controller, responsible for managing build params and events, is run in the main process. Builds connect to it using http, same as for server-side builds.
Event routes for local build runners. When running a build locally via cli, these routes will be registered in mailman and will perform all necessary build steps. Running a local build uses the same event flow as server-side builds. Depending on the configuration, routes may differ (e.g. different handlers or interceptors). A local build can either run in a child process, or it can run in a container. In any case, the container jobs are run in containers and action jobs are run by the script process. Blobs (artifacts, caches) are always stored locally, but this can vary depending on configuration. If run in a container, a volume can be used. The build controller, responsible for managing build params and events, is run in the main process. Builds connect to it using http, same as for server-side builds.
(make-build-init-evt ctx)
Returns build/initializing
Returns `build/initializing` event.
(prepare-child-cmd ctx)
Initializes child process command line
Initializes child process command line
(restore-build-cache blob)
Restores build cache to the checkout dir. This is only done when running in a container.
Restores build cache to the checkout dir. This is only done when running in a container.
(save-build-cache blob)
Restores build cache from the checkout dir
Restores build cache from the checkout dir
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