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(cancel-credit-subscription req)

Disables a credit subscription by setting the valid-until timestamp. If a subscription is not active yet (i.e. the valid-from time is in the future), it is deleted instead.

Disables a credit subscription by setting the `valid-until` timestamp.  If a subscription
is not active yet (i.e. the `valid-from` time is in the future), it is deleted instead.
sourceraw docstring


(cancel-dangling-builds req)

Checks any processes that have been running for too long, and kills them. Any associated builds and jobs will be canceled.

Checks any processes that have been running for too long, and kills them.
Any associated builds and jobs will be canceled.
sourceraw docstring


(create-credit-subscription req)




(issue-auto-credits req)

Issues new credits to all customers that have active subscriptions that match the specified date. This means all subscriptions where the valid-from date has the same day-of-month. To avoid issuing credits multiple times, credits are only issued if none exist for that subscription with the same month/year as the date specified in the request.

The intention is that this endpoint is invoked once per day. Should a call fail, we can easily retry it using the same date.

Issues new credits to all customers that have active subscriptions that match
the specified date.  This means all subscriptions where the `valid-from` date
has the same day-of-month.  To avoid issuing credits multiple times, credits 
are only issued if none exist for that subscription with the same month/year
as the date specified in the request.

The intention is that this endpoint is invoked once per day.  Should a call 
fail, we can easily retry it using the same date.
sourceraw docstring


(issue-credits req)

Issues ad-hoc credits to a customer.

Issues ad-hoc credits to a customer.
sourceraw docstring


(issue-credits-for-subs st ts [cust-id cust-subs])

Given a customer id and list of subscriptions, issues any credits for the given timestamp. Returns a list of issued customer credit sids.

Given a customer id and list of subscriptions, issues any credits for the given 
timestamp.  Returns a list of issued customer credit sids.
sourceraw docstring


(list-credit-subscriptions req)


(list-customer-credits req)

Returns overview of the issued credits to a customer

Returns overview of the issued credits to a customer
sourceraw docstring


(login req)

Authenticates admin user by looking up the user of type sysadmin with given username that matches given password.

Authenticates admin user by looking up the user of type `sysadmin` with given
username that matches given password.
sourceraw docstring

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