Event handlers for commands
Event handlers for commands
(controller conf)
Runs the application as a controller. This is similar to a sidecar, but for build processes (usually running in cloud containers). The controller is responsible for preparing the build workspace and running an API server that is used by the build script, which then runs alongside the controller.
Runs the application as a controller. This is similar to a sidecar, but for build processes (usually running in cloud containers). The controller is responsible for preparing the build workspace and running an API server that is used by the build script, which then runs alongside the controller.
(http-server conf)
Starts a system with an http server. Dependency management will take care of creating and starting the necessary modules.
Starts a system with an http server. Dependency management will take care of creating and starting the necessary modules.
(issue-creds {:keys [args]})
Issues credits. Mainly used by cronjobs to automatically issue credits according to active subscriptions.
Issues credits. Mainly used by cronjobs to automatically issue credits according to active subscriptions.
(run-build-local {:keys [workdir dir] :as config})
Run a build locally, normally from local source but can also be from a git checkout. Returns a deferred that will hold zero if the build succeeds, nonzero if it fails.
Run a build locally, normally from local source but can also be from a git checkout. Returns a deferred that will hold zero if the build succeeds, nonzero if it fails.
(run-tests conf)
Runs unit tests declared in the build
Runs unit tests declared in the build
(sidecar conf)
Runs the application as a sidecar, that is meant to capture events and logs from a container process. This is necessary because when running containers from third-party images, we don't have control over them. Instead, we launch a sidecar and execute the commands in the container in a script that writes events and output to files, which are then picked up by the sidecar to dispatch or store.
The sidecar loop will stop when the events file is deleted.
Runs the application as a sidecar, that is meant to capture events and logs from a container process. This is necessary because when running containers from third-party images, we don't have control over them. Instead, we launch a sidecar and execute the commands in the container in a script that writes events and output to files, which are then picked up by the sidecar to dispatch or store. The sidecar loop will stop when the events file is deleted.
(verify-build conf)
Runs a linter agains the build script to catch any grammatical errors.
Runs a linter agains the build script to catch any grammatical errors.
(watch rt)
Starts listening for events and prints the results. The arguments determine the event filter (all for a customer, project, or repo).
Starts listening for events and prints the results. The arguments determine the event filter (all for a customer, project, or repo).
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