Functions for running containers using Podman. We don't use the api here, because it requires a socket, which is not always available. Instead, we invoke the podman command as a child process and communicate with it using the standard i/o streams.
Functions for running containers using Podman. We don't use the api here, because it requires a socket, which is not always available. Instead, we invoke the podman command as a child process and communicate with it using the standard i/o streams.
(add-job-ctx initial-ctx)
Adds the job context to the event context, and adds the job from state. Also updates the build in the context so the checkout dir is the workspace dir.
Adds the job context to the event context, and adds the job from state. Also updates the build in the context so the checkout dir is the workspace dir.
(build-cmd-args job {:keys [build] :as conf})
(build-cmd-args job job-sid wd opts)
Builds command line args for the podman executable
Builds command line args for the podman executable
(copy-ws src wd)
Prepares the job working directory by copying all files from src
Prepares the job working directory by copying all files from `src`.
Interceptor that terminates when the job in the event is not a container job
Interceptor that terminates when the job in the event is not a container job
The directory where container output is written to
The directory where container output is written to
The directory where the container process is run
The directory where the container process is run
(job-exec {{:keys [job-id sid status result]} :event})
Invoked after the podman container has exited. Posts a job/executed event.
Invoked after the podman container has exited. Posts a job/executed event.
Creates an internal job-executed event, specifically for podman containers. This is used as an intermediate step to save artifacts.
Creates an internal job-executed event, specifically for podman containers. This is used as an intermediate step to save artifacts.
(prepare-child-cmd ctx)
Prepares podman command to execute as child process
Prepares podman command to execute as child process
Terminates if no job is present in the state
Terminates if no job is present in the state
Saves job to state for future reference
Saves job to state for future reference
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