Creates a runtime component that is used by the controller.
Creates a runtime component that is used by the controller.
Creates new event handler routes, that handle events received from the global broker.
Creates new event handler routes, that handle events received from the global broker.
Set of events that should be forwarded to global broker
Set of events that should be forwarded to global broker
(make-runner-system config)
Given a runner configuration object, creates component system. When started,
it contains a fully configured runtime
component that can be used by the
controller. In addition, it creates a build api for the script process and also
a mailman event broker for dispatching.
Given a runner configuration object, creates component system. When started, it contains a fully configured `runtime` component that can be used by the controller. In addition, it creates a build api for the script process and also a mailman event broker for dispatching.
(new-container-routes conf)
Creates new event handler routes that handle events raised by the controller and script processes for running container jobs.
Creates new event handler routes that handle events raised by the controller and script processes for running container jobs.
Creates local mailman component for runners. This is used to handle events between the build api, the script and container jobs.
Creates local mailman component for runners. This is used to handle events between the build api, the script and container jobs.
Adds listeners responsible for pushing all events generated by the build to the upstream broker and the event stream.
Adds listeners responsible for pushing all events generated by the build to the upstream broker and the event stream.
(new-mailman config)
Creates new mailman event broker component that connects to the global event broker.
Creates new mailman event broker component that connects to the global event broker.
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