The GraphicsConfiguration class describes the characteristics of a graphics destination such as a printer or monitor. There can be many GraphicsConfiguration objects associated with a single graphics device, representing different drawing modes or capabilities. The corresponding native structure will vary from platform to platform. For example, on X11 windowing systems, each visual is a different GraphicsConfiguration. On Microsoft Windows, GraphicsConfigurations represent PixelFormats available in the current resolution and color depth.
In a virtual device multi-screen environment in which the desktop area could span multiple physical screen devices, the bounds of the GraphicsConfiguration objects are relative to the virtual coordinate system. When setting the location of a component, use getBounds to get the bounds of the desired GraphicsConfiguration and offset the location with the coordinates of the GraphicsConfiguration, as the following code sample illustrates:
Frame f = new Frame(gc); // where gc is a GraphicsConfiguration
Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds();
f.setLocation(10 bounds.x, 10 bounds.y);
To determine if your environment is a virtual device environment, call getBounds on all of the GraphicsConfiguration objects in your system. If any of the origins of the returned bounds is not (0, 0), your environment is a virtual device environment.
You can also use getBounds to determine the bounds of the virtual device. To do this, first call getBounds on all of the GraphicsConfiguration objects in your system. Then calculate the union of all of the bounds returned from the calls to getBounds. The union is the bounds of the virtual device. The following code sample calculates the bounds of the virtual device.
Rectangle virtualBounds = new Rectangle();
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.
GraphicsDevice[] gs =
for (int j = 0; j < gs.length; j++) {
GraphicsDevice gd = gs[j];
GraphicsConfiguration[] gc =
for (int i=0; i < gc.length; i++) {
virtualBounds =
The GraphicsConfiguration class describes the characteristics of a graphics destination such as a printer or monitor. There can be many GraphicsConfiguration objects associated with a single graphics device, representing different drawing modes or capabilities. The corresponding native structure will vary from platform to platform. For example, on X11 windowing systems, each visual is a different GraphicsConfiguration. On Microsoft Windows, GraphicsConfigurations represent PixelFormats available in the current resolution and color depth. In a virtual device multi-screen environment in which the desktop area could span multiple physical screen devices, the bounds of the GraphicsConfiguration objects are relative to the virtual coordinate system. When setting the location of a component, use getBounds to get the bounds of the desired GraphicsConfiguration and offset the location with the coordinates of the GraphicsConfiguration, as the following code sample illustrates: Frame f = new Frame(gc); // where gc is a GraphicsConfiguration Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds(); f.setLocation(10 bounds.x, 10 bounds.y); To determine if your environment is a virtual device environment, call getBounds on all of the GraphicsConfiguration objects in your system. If any of the origins of the returned bounds is not (0, 0), your environment is a virtual device environment. You can also use getBounds to determine the bounds of the virtual device. To do this, first call getBounds on all of the GraphicsConfiguration objects in your system. Then calculate the union of all of the bounds returned from the calls to getBounds. The union is the bounds of the virtual device. The following code sample calculates the bounds of the virtual device. Rectangle virtualBounds = new Rectangle(); GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment. getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices(); for (int j = 0; j < gs.length; j++) { GraphicsDevice gd = gs[j]; GraphicsConfiguration[] gc = gd.getConfigurations(); for (int i=0; i < gc.length; i++) { virtualBounds = virtualBounds.union(gc[i].getBounds()); } }
(create-compatible-image this width height)
(create-compatible-image this width height transparency)
Returns a BufferedImage that supports the specified transparency and has a data layout and color model compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration. This method has nothing to do with memory-mapping a device. The returned BufferedImage has a layout and color model that can be optimally blitted to a device with this GraphicsConfiguration.
width - the width of the returned BufferedImage - int
height - the height of the returned BufferedImage - int
transparency - the specified transparency mode - int
returns: a BufferedImage whose data layout and color
model is compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration
and also supports the specified transparency. - java.awt.image.BufferedImage
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the transparency is not a valid value
Returns a BufferedImage that supports the specified transparency and has a data layout and color model compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration. This method has nothing to do with memory-mapping a device. The returned BufferedImage has a layout and color model that can be optimally blitted to a device with this GraphicsConfiguration. width - the width of the returned BufferedImage - `int` height - the height of the returned BufferedImage - `int` transparency - the specified transparency mode - `int` returns: a BufferedImage whose data layout and color model is compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration and also supports the specified transparency. - `java.awt.image.BufferedImage` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the transparency is not a valid value
(create-compatible-volatile-image this width height)
(create-compatible-volatile-image this width height transparency)
(create-compatible-volatile-image this width height caps transparency)
Returns a VolatileImage with a data layout and color model compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration, using the specified image capabilities and transparency value. If the caps parameter is null, it is effectively ignored and this method will create a VolatileImage without regard to ImageCapabilities constraints.
The returned VolatileImage has a layout and color model that is closest to this native device configuration and can therefore be optimally blitted to this device.
width - the width of the returned VolatileImage - int
height - the height of the returned VolatileImage - int
caps - the image capabilities - java.awt.ImageCapabilities
transparency - the specified transparency mode - int
returns: a VolatileImage whose data layout and color
model is compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration. - java.awt.image.VolatileImage
throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the transparency is not a valid value
Returns a VolatileImage with a data layout and color model compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration, using the specified image capabilities and transparency value. If the caps parameter is null, it is effectively ignored and this method will create a VolatileImage without regard to ImageCapabilities constraints. The returned VolatileImage has a layout and color model that is closest to this native device configuration and can therefore be optimally blitted to this device. width - the width of the returned VolatileImage - `int` height - the height of the returned VolatileImage - `int` caps - the image capabilities - `java.awt.ImageCapabilities` transparency - the specified transparency mode - `int` returns: a VolatileImage whose data layout and color model is compatible with this GraphicsConfiguration. - `java.awt.image.VolatileImage` throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the transparency is not a valid value
(get-bounds this)
Returns the bounds of the GraphicsConfiguration in the device coordinates. In a multi-screen environment with a virtual device, the bounds can have negative X or Y origins.
returns: the bounds of the area covered by this
GraphicsConfiguration. - java.awt.Rectangle
Returns the bounds of the GraphicsConfiguration in the device coordinates. In a multi-screen environment with a virtual device, the bounds can have negative X or Y origins. returns: the bounds of the area covered by this GraphicsConfiguration. - `java.awt.Rectangle`
(get-buffer-capabilities this)
Returns the buffering capabilities of this GraphicsConfiguration.
returns: the buffering capabilities of this graphics
configuration object - java.awt.BufferCapabilities
Returns the buffering capabilities of this GraphicsConfiguration. returns: the buffering capabilities of this graphics configuration object - `java.awt.BufferCapabilities`
(get-color-model this)
(get-color-model this transparency)
Returns the ColorModel associated with this GraphicsConfiguration that supports the specified transparency.
transparency - the specified transparency mode - int
returns: a ColorModel object that is associated with
this GraphicsConfiguration and supports the
specified transparency or null if the transparency is not a valid
value. - java.awt.image.ColorModel
Returns the ColorModel associated with this GraphicsConfiguration that supports the specified transparency. transparency - the specified transparency mode - `int` returns: a ColorModel object that is associated with this GraphicsConfiguration and supports the specified transparency or null if the transparency is not a valid value. - `java.awt.image.ColorModel`
(get-default-transform this)
Returns the default AffineTransform for this GraphicsConfiguration. This AffineTransform is typically the Identity transform for most normal screens. The default AffineTransform maps coordinates onto the device such that 72 user space coordinate units measure approximately 1 inch in device space. The normalizing transform can be used to make this mapping more exact. Coordinates in the coordinate space defined by the default AffineTransform for screen and printer devices have the origin in the upper left-hand corner of the target region of the device, with X coordinates increasing to the right and Y coordinates increasing downwards. For image buffers not associated with a device, such as those not created by createCompatibleImage, this AffineTransform is the Identity transform.
returns: the default AffineTransform for this
GraphicsConfiguration. - java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Returns the default AffineTransform for this GraphicsConfiguration. This AffineTransform is typically the Identity transform for most normal screens. The default AffineTransform maps coordinates onto the device such that 72 user space coordinate units measure approximately 1 inch in device space. The normalizing transform can be used to make this mapping more exact. Coordinates in the coordinate space defined by the default AffineTransform for screen and printer devices have the origin in the upper left-hand corner of the target region of the device, with X coordinates increasing to the right and Y coordinates increasing downwards. For image buffers not associated with a device, such as those not created by createCompatibleImage, this AffineTransform is the Identity transform. returns: the default AffineTransform for this GraphicsConfiguration. - `java.awt.geom.AffineTransform`
(get-device this)
Returns the GraphicsDevice associated with this GraphicsConfiguration.
returns: a GraphicsDevice object that is
associated with this GraphicsConfiguration. - java.awt.GraphicsDevice
Returns the GraphicsDevice associated with this GraphicsConfiguration. returns: a GraphicsDevice object that is associated with this GraphicsConfiguration. - `java.awt.GraphicsDevice`
(get-image-capabilities this)
Returns the image capabilities of this GraphicsConfiguration.
returns: the image capabilities of this graphics
configuration object - java.awt.ImageCapabilities
Returns the image capabilities of this GraphicsConfiguration. returns: the image capabilities of this graphics configuration object - `java.awt.ImageCapabilities`
(get-normalizing-transform this)
Returns a AffineTransform that can be concatenated with the default AffineTransform of a GraphicsConfiguration so that 72 units in user space equals 1 inch in device space.
For a particular Graphics2D, g, one can reset the transformation to create such a mapping by using the following pseudocode:
GraphicsConfiguration gc = g.getDeviceConfiguration();
Note that sometimes this AffineTransform is identity, such as for printers or metafile output, and that this AffineTransform is only as accurate as the information supplied by the underlying system. For image buffers not associated with a device, such as those not created by createCompatibleImage, this AffineTransform is the Identity transform since there is no valid distance measurement.
returns: an AffineTransform to concatenate to the
default AffineTransform so that 72 units in user
space is mapped to 1 inch in device space. - java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
Returns a AffineTransform that can be concatenated with the default AffineTransform of a GraphicsConfiguration so that 72 units in user space equals 1 inch in device space. For a particular Graphics2D, g, one can reset the transformation to create such a mapping by using the following pseudocode: GraphicsConfiguration gc = g.getDeviceConfiguration(); g.setTransform(gc.getDefaultTransform()); g.transform(gc.getNormalizingTransform()); Note that sometimes this AffineTransform is identity, such as for printers or metafile output, and that this AffineTransform is only as accurate as the information supplied by the underlying system. For image buffers not associated with a device, such as those not created by createCompatibleImage, this AffineTransform is the Identity transform since there is no valid distance measurement. returns: an AffineTransform to concatenate to the default AffineTransform so that 72 units in user space is mapped to 1 inch in device space. - `java.awt.geom.AffineTransform`
(translucency-capable? this)
Returns whether this GraphicsConfiguration supports the PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT kind of translucency.
returns: whether the given GraphicsConfiguration supports
the translucency effects. - boolean
Returns whether this GraphicsConfiguration supports the PERPIXEL_TRANSLUCENT kind of translucency. returns: whether the given GraphicsConfiguration supports the translucency effects. - `boolean`
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