An abstract adapter class for receiving mouse events. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as convenience for creating listener objects.
Mouse events let you track when a mouse is pressed, released, clicked, moved, dragged, when it enters a component, when it exits and when a mouse wheel is moved.
Extend this class to create a MouseEvent (including drag and motion events) or/and MouseWheelEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the MouseListener, MouseMotionListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you can only have to define methods for events you care about.)
Create a listener object using the extended class and then register it with a component using the component's addMouseListener addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener methods. The relevant method in the listener object is invoked and the MouseEvent or MouseWheelEvent is passed to it in following cases:
when a mouse button is pressed, released, or clicked (pressed and released) when the mouse cursor enters or exits the component when the mouse wheel rotated, or mouse moved or dragged
An abstract adapter class for receiving mouse events. The methods in this class are empty. This class exists as convenience for creating listener objects. Mouse events let you track when a mouse is pressed, released, clicked, moved, dragged, when it enters a component, when it exits and when a mouse wheel is moved. Extend this class to create a MouseEvent (including drag and motion events) or/and MouseWheelEvent listener and override the methods for the events of interest. (If you implement the MouseListener, MouseMotionListener interface, you have to define all of the methods in it. This abstract class defines null methods for them all, so you can only have to define methods for events you care about.) Create a listener object using the extended class and then register it with a component using the component's addMouseListener addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener methods. The relevant method in the listener object is invoked and the MouseEvent or MouseWheelEvent is passed to it in following cases: when a mouse button is pressed, released, or clicked (pressed and released) when the mouse cursor enters or exits the component when the mouse wheel rotated, or mouse moved or dragged
(mouse-clicked this e)
Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when the mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-dragged this e)
Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged. MOUSE_DRAGGED events will continue to be delivered to the component where the drag originated until the mouse button is released (regardless of whether the mouse position is within the bounds of the component).
Due to platform-dependent Drag&Drop implementations, MOUSE_DRAGGED events may not be delivered during a native Drag&Drop operation.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when a mouse button is pressed on a component and then dragged. MOUSE_DRAGGED events will continue to be delivered to the component where the drag originated until the mouse button is released (regardless of whether the mouse position is within the bounds of the component). Due to platform-dependent Drag&Drop implementations, MOUSE_DRAGGED events may not be delivered during a native Drag&Drop operation. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-entered this e)
Invoked when the mouse enters a component.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when the mouse enters a component. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-exited this e)
Invoked when the mouse exits a component.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when the mouse exits a component. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-moved this e)
Invoked when the mouse cursor has been moved onto a component but no buttons have been pushed.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when the mouse cursor has been moved onto a component but no buttons have been pushed. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-pressed this e)
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-released this e)
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component.
e - java.awt.event.MouseEvent
Invoked when a mouse button has been released on a component. e - `java.awt.event.MouseEvent`
(mouse-wheel-moved this e)
Invoked when the mouse wheel is rotated.
e - java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent
Invoked when the mouse wheel is rotated. e - `java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent`
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