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The listener interface for receiving text events.

The class that is interested in processing a text event implements this interface. The object created with that class is then registered with a component using the component's addTextListener method. When the component's text changes, the listener object's textValueChanged method is invoked.

The listener interface for receiving text events.

The class that is interested in processing a text event
implements this interface. The object created with that
class is then registered with a component using the
component's addTextListener method. When the
component's text changes, the listener object's
textValueChanged method is invoked.
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(text-value-changed this e)

Invoked when the value of the text has changed. The code written for this method performs the operations that need to occur when text changes.

e - java.awt.event.TextEvent

Invoked when the value of the text has changed.
 The code written for this method performs the operations
 that need to occur when text changes.

e - `java.awt.event.TextEvent`
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