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The DragSourceContext class is responsible for managing the initiator side of the Drag and Drop protocol. In particular, it is responsible for managing drag event notifications to the java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListeners and java.awt.dnd.DragSourceMotionListeners, and providing the Transferable representing the source data for the drag operation.

Note that the DragSourceContext itself implements the DragSourceListener and DragSourceMotionListener interfaces. This is to allow the platform peer (the DragSourceContextPeer instance) created by the DragSource to notify the DragSourceContext of state changes in the ongoing operation. This allows the DragSourceContext object to interpose itself between the platform and the listeners provided by the initiator of the drag operation.

By default, DragSourceContext sets the cursor as appropriate for the current state of the drag and drop operation. For example, if the user has chosen the move action, and the pointer is over a target that accepts the move action, the default move cursor is shown. When the pointer is over an area that does not accept the transfer, the default "no drop" cursor is shown.

This default handling mechanism is disabled when a custom cursor is set by the setCursor(java.awt.Cursor) method. When the default handling is disabled, it becomes the responsibility of the developer to keep the cursor up to date, by listening to the DragSource events and calling the setCursor() method. Alternatively, you can provide custom cursor behavior by providing custom implementations of the DragSource and the DragSourceContext classes.

The DragSourceContext class is responsible for managing the
initiator side of the Drag and Drop protocol. In particular, it is responsible
for managing drag event notifications to the
and java.awt.dnd.DragSourceMotionListeners, and providing the
Transferable representing the source data for the drag operation.

Note that the DragSourceContext itself
implements the DragSourceListener and
DragSourceMotionListener interfaces.
This is to allow the platform peer
(the DragSourceContextPeer instance)
created by the DragSource to notify
the DragSourceContext of
state changes in the ongoing operation. This allows the
DragSourceContext object to interpose
itself between the platform and the
listeners provided by the initiator of the drag operation.

By default, DragSourceContext sets the cursor as appropriate
for the current state of the drag and drop operation. For example, if
the user has chosen the move action,
and the pointer is over a target that accepts
the move action, the default move cursor is shown. When
the pointer is over an area that does not accept the transfer,
the default "no drop" cursor is shown.

This default handling mechanism is disabled when a custom cursor is set
by the setCursor(java.awt.Cursor) method. When the default handling is disabled,
it becomes the responsibility
of the developer to keep the cursor up to date, by listening
to the DragSource events and calling the setCursor() method.
Alternatively, you can provide custom cursor behavior by providing
custom implementations of the DragSource
and the DragSourceContext classes.
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(->drag-source-context dscp trigger drag-cursor drag-image offset t dsl)


Called from DragSource, this constructor creates a new DragSourceContext given the DragSourceContextPeer for this Drag, the DragGestureEvent that triggered the Drag, the initial Cursor to use for the Drag, an (optional) Image to display while the Drag is taking place, the offset of the Image origin from the hotspot at the instant of the triggering event, the Transferable subject data, and the DragSourceListener to use during the Drag and Drop operation.

If DragSourceContextPeer is null NullPointerException is thrown.

If DragGestureEvent is null NullPointerException is thrown.

If Cursor is null no exception is thrown and the default drag cursor behavior is activated for this drag operation.

If Image is null no exception is thrown.

If Image is not null and the offset is null NullPointerException is thrown.

If Transferable is null NullPointerException is thrown.

If DragSourceListener is null no exception is thrown.

dscp - the DragSourceContextPeer for this drag - java.awt.dnd.peer.DragSourceContextPeer trigger - the triggering event - java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent drag-cursor - the initial Cursor for this drag operation or null for the default cursor handling; see class level documentation for more details on the cursor handling mechanism during drag and drop - java.awt.Cursor drag-image - the Image to drag (or null) - java.awt.Image offset - the offset of the image origin from the hotspot at the instant of the triggering event - java.awt.Point t - the Transferable - java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable dsl - the DragSourceListener - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the source actions for the DragGestureRecognizer associated with the trigger event are equal to DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE.


Called from DragSource, this constructor creates a new
 DragSourceContext given the
 DragSourceContextPeer for this Drag, the
 DragGestureEvent that triggered the Drag, the initial
 Cursor to use for the Drag, an (optional)
 Image to display while the Drag is taking place, the offset
 of the Image origin from the hotspot at the instant of the
 triggering event, the Transferable subject data, and the
 DragSourceListener to use during the Drag and Drop

 If DragSourceContextPeer is null
 NullPointerException is thrown.

 If DragGestureEvent is null
 NullPointerException is thrown.

 If Cursor is null no exception is thrown and
 the default drag cursor behavior is activated for this drag operation.

 If Image is null no exception is thrown.

 If Image is not null and the offset is
 null NullPointerException is thrown.

 If Transferable is null
 NullPointerException is thrown.

 If DragSourceListener is null no exception
 is thrown.

dscp - the DragSourceContextPeer for this drag - `java.awt.dnd.peer.DragSourceContextPeer`
trigger - the triggering event - `java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent`
drag-cursor - the initial Cursor for this drag operation or null for the default cursor handling; see class level documentation for more details on the cursor handling mechanism during drag and drop - `java.awt.Cursor`
drag-image - the Image to drag (or null) - `java.awt.Image`
offset - the offset of the image origin from the hotspot at the instant of the triggering event - `java.awt.Point`
t - the Transferable - `java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable`
dsl - the DragSourceListener - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener`

throws: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the source actions for the DragGestureRecognizer associated with the trigger event are equal to DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE.
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(add-drag-source-listener this dsl)

Add a DragSourceListener to this DragSourceContext if one has not already been added. If a DragSourceListener already exists, this method throws a TooManyListenersException.

dsl - the DragSourceListener to add. Note that while null is not prohibited, it is not acceptable as a parameter. - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener

throws: java.util.TooManyListenersException - if a DragSourceListener has already been added

Add a DragSourceListener to this
 DragSourceContext if one has not already been added.
 If a DragSourceListener already exists,
 this method throws a TooManyListenersException.

dsl - the DragSourceListener to add. Note that while null is not prohibited, it is not acceptable as a parameter. - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener`

throws: java.util.TooManyListenersException - if a DragSourceListener has already been added
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(drag-drop-end this dsde)

Calls dragDropEnd on the DragSourceListeners registered with this DragSourceContext and with the associated DragSource, and passes them the specified DragSourceDropEvent.

dsde - the DragSourceDropEvent - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDropEvent

Calls dragDropEnd on the
 DragSourceListeners registered with this
 DragSourceContext and with the associated
 DragSource, and passes them the specified

dsde - the DragSourceDropEvent - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDropEvent`
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(drag-enter this dsde)

Calls dragEnter on the DragSourceListeners registered with this DragSourceContext and with the associated DragSource, and passes them the specified DragSourceDragEvent.

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent

Calls dragEnter on the
 DragSourceListeners registered with this
 DragSourceContext and with the associated
 DragSource, and passes them the specified

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent`
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(drag-exit this dse)

Calls dragExit on the DragSourceListeners registered with this DragSourceContext and with the associated DragSource, and passes them the specified DragSourceEvent.

dse - the DragSourceEvent - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceEvent

Calls dragExit on the
 DragSourceListeners registered with this
 DragSourceContext and with the associated
 DragSource, and passes them the specified

dse - the DragSourceEvent - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceEvent`
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(drag-mouse-moved this dsde)

Calls dragMouseMoved on the DragSourceMotionListeners registered with the DragSource associated with this DragSourceContext, and them passes the specified DragSourceDragEvent.

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent

Calls dragMouseMoved on the
 DragSourceMotionListeners registered with the
 DragSource associated with this
 DragSourceContext, and them passes the specified

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent`
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(drag-over this dsde)

Calls dragOver on the DragSourceListeners registered with this DragSourceContext and with the associated DragSource, and passes them the specified DragSourceDragEvent.

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent

Calls dragOver on the
 DragSourceListeners registered with this
 DragSourceContext and with the associated
 DragSource, and passes them the specified

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent`
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(drop-action-changed this dsde)

Calls dropActionChanged on the DragSourceListeners registered with this DragSourceContext and with the associated DragSource, and passes them the specified DragSourceDragEvent.

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent

Calls dropActionChanged on the
 DragSourceListeners registered with this
 DragSourceContext and with the associated
 DragSource, and passes them the specified

dsde - the DragSourceDragEvent - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceDragEvent`
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(get-component this)

Returns the Component associated with this DragSourceContext.

returns: the Component that started the drag - java.awt.Component

Returns the Component associated with this

returns: the Component that started the drag - `java.awt.Component`
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(get-cursor this)

Returns the current drag Cursor.

returns: the current drag Cursor - java.awt.Cursor

Returns the current drag Cursor.

returns: the current drag Cursor - `java.awt.Cursor`
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(get-drag-source this)

Returns the DragSource that instantiated this DragSourceContext.

returns: the DragSource that instantiated this DragSourceContext - java.awt.dnd.DragSource

Returns the DragSource
 that instantiated this DragSourceContext.

returns: the DragSource that
   instantiated this DragSourceContext - `java.awt.dnd.DragSource`
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(get-source-actions this)

Returns a bitwise mask of DnDConstants that represent the set of drop actions supported by the drag source for the drag operation associated with this DragSourceContext.

returns: the drop actions supported by the drag source - int

Returns a bitwise mask of DnDConstants that
 represent the set of drop actions supported by the drag source for the
 drag operation associated with this DragSourceContext.

returns: the drop actions supported by the drag source - `int`
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(get-transferable this)

Returns the Transferable associated with this DragSourceContext.

returns: the Transferable - java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable

Returns the Transferable associated with
 this DragSourceContext.

returns: the Transferable - `java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable`
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(get-trigger this)

Returns the DragGestureEvent that initially triggered the drag.

returns: the Event that triggered the drag - java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent

Returns the DragGestureEvent
 that initially triggered the drag.

returns: the Event that triggered the drag - `java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent`
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(remove-drag-source-listener this dsl)

Removes the specified DragSourceListener from this DragSourceContext.

dsl - the DragSourceListener to remove; note that while null is not prohibited, it is not acceptable as a parameter - java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener

Removes the specified DragSourceListener
 from  this DragSourceContext.

dsl - the DragSourceListener to remove; note that while null is not prohibited, it is not acceptable as a parameter - `java.awt.dnd.DragSourceListener`
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(set-cursor this c)

Sets the cursor for this drag operation to the specified Cursor. If the specified Cursor is null, the default drag cursor behavior is activated for this drag operation, otherwise it is deactivated.

c - the initial Cursor for this drag operation, or null for the default cursor handling; see java.awt.class level documentation for more details on the cursor handling during drag and drop - java.awt.Cursor

Sets the cursor for this drag operation to the specified
 Cursor.  If the specified Cursor
 is null, the default drag cursor behavior is
 activated for this drag operation, otherwise it is deactivated.

c - the initial Cursor for this drag operation, or null for the default cursor handling; see java.awt.class level documentation for more details on the cursor handling during drag and drop - `java.awt.Cursor`
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(transferables-flavors-changed this)

Notifies the peer that the Transferable's DataFlavors have changed.

Notifies the peer that the Transferable's
DataFlavors have changed.
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