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Provides algorithms for calculating simple depth of coverage.

Provides algorithms for calculating simple depth of coverage.
raw docstring


(depth bam-reader
       {:keys [chr start end] :or {start 1 end Long/MAX_VALUE}}
       [{:keys [step unchecked? n-threads]
         :or {step default-step unchecked? false n-threads 1}}])

Calculate depth of coverage eagerly. Returns a seq of depth for range [start, end]. Requires a instance and region. If start and end are not supplied, piles whole range up. Note that CIGAR code in alignments are ignored and only start/end positions are used.

Calculate depth of coverage eagerly. Returns a seq of depth for range [start, end].
Requires a `` instance and region.
If start and end are not supplied, piles whole range up.
Note that CIGAR code in alignments are ignored and only start/end positions are used.
sourceraw docstring


(depth* rdr
        {:keys [chr start end] :as region}
        [{:keys [step unchecked? n-threads]
          :or {step default-step unchecked? false n-threads 1}}])

Internal depth function which returns an int-array.

Internal depth function which returns an int-array.
sourceraw docstring


(lazy-depth bam-reader
            {:keys [chr start end] :or {start 1 end Long/MAX_VALUE}}
            [{:keys [step n-threads] :or {step default-step n-threads 1}}])

Calculate depth of coverage lazily. Returns a lazy seq of depth for range [start, end]. Requires a instance and region. If start and end are not supplied, piles whole range up. Note that CIGAR code in alignments are ignored and only start/end positions are used.

Calculate depth of coverage lazily. Returns a lazy seq of depth for range [start, end].
Requires a `` instance and region.
If start and end are not supplied, piles whole range up.
Note that CIGAR code in alignments are ignored and only start/end positions are used.
sourceraw docstring

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