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(allocate-lsb-byte-buffer size)

Creates a new little-endian byte buffer with given capacity.

Creates a new little-endian byte buffer with given capacity.
sourceraw docstring


(allocate-msb-byte-buffer size)

Creates a new big-endian byte buffer with given capacity.

Creates a new big-endian byte buffer with given capacity.
sourceraw docstring


(make-lsb-byte-buffer data)

Creates a new little-endian byte buffer wrapping given data.

Creates a new little-endian byte buffer wrapping given data.
sourceraw docstring


(make-msb-byte-buffer data)

Creates a new big-endian byte buffer wrapping given data.

Creates a new big-endian byte buffer wrapping given data.
sourceraw docstring


(read-bytes bb length)
(read-bytes bb buffer offset length)

Reads 'length' bytes to buffer starting from offset bytes. Returns a new byte-array if called without buffer.

Reads 'length' bytes to buffer starting from offset bytes. Returns a new byte-array if called without buffer.
sourceraw docstring


(read-ints bb length)
(read-ints bb buffer offset length)

Reads 'length' ints to buffer starting from offset ints. Returns a new int-array if called without buffer.

Reads 'length' ints to buffer starting from offset ints. Returns a new int-array if called without buffer.
sourceraw docstring


(read-null-terminated-string bb)

Reads until next null character. Returns a String without the null.

Reads until next null character. Returns a String without the null.
sourceraw docstring


(read-string bb length)

Reads 'length' bytes. Returns a String.

Reads 'length' bytes. Returns a String.
sourceraw docstring


(read-ubyte bb)

Reads 1 byte. Returns an unsigned byte value as long.

Reads 1 byte. Returns an unsigned byte value as long.
sourceraw docstring


(read-uint bb)

Reads 4 bytes. Returns an unsigned int value as long.

Reads 4 bytes. Returns an unsigned int value as long.
sourceraw docstring


(read-ushort bb)

Reads 2 bytes. Returns an unsigned short value as long.

Reads 2 bytes. Returns an unsigned short value as long.
sourceraw docstring


(skip bb length)

Skips over 'length' bytes of data, discarding the skipped bytes.

Skips over 'length' bytes of data, discarding the skipped bytes.
sourceraw docstring


(write-string bb s)

Writes a string as a sequence of ascii characters.

Writes a string as a sequence of ascii characters.
sourceraw docstring


(write-ubyte bb b)

Writes 1 byte.

Writes 1 byte.
sourceraw docstring


(write-uint bb n)

Writes a 4-byte unsigned integer value.

Writes a 4-byte unsigned integer value.
sourceraw docstring


(write-ushort bb n)

Writes a 2-byte unsigned short value.

Writes a 2-byte unsigned short value.
sourceraw docstring

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