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I/O utilities.

I/O utilities.
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(alignment-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object implements protocol IAlignmentReader.

Checks if given object implements protocol IAlignmentReader.
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(alignment-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object implements protocol IAlignmentWriter.

Checks if given object implements protocol IAlignmentWriter.
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(bam-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BAMReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of BAMReader.
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(bam-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BAMWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of BAMWriter.
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(bcf-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BCFReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of BCFReader.
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(bcf-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BCFWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of BCFWriter.
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(bed-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BEDReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of BEDReader.
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(bed-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BEDWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of BEDWriter.
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(bigwig-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of BIGWIGReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of BIGWIGReader.
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(cram-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of CRAMReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of CRAMReader.
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(fasta-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTAReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTAReader.
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(fasta-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTAWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTAWriter.
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(fastq-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTQReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTQReader.
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(fastq-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTQWriter

Checks if given object is an instance of FASTQWriter
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(file-type f)

Detects a file format from a path of f, returning a keyword representing the format. Throws an exception if an unsupported file is supplied.

Detects a file format from a path of f, returning a keyword representing the
format. Throws an exception if an unsupported file is supplied.
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(file-type-from-bytes ba)

Tries to detect a file format based on contents of the byte array ba. The input byte array must be larger than 4 bytes. Note that detection of some formats #{:fasta :fastq :wig :fai :bed} is based on naive heuristics and thus can fail.

Tries to detect a file format based on contents of the byte array `ba`.
The input byte array must be larger than 4 bytes. Note that detection of some
formats `#{:fasta :fastq :wig :fai :bed}` is based on naive heuristics and
thus can fail.
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(file-type-from-contents f)

Detects a file format based on contents of the input file f. Causes a side effect of reading some header bytes.

Detects a file format based on contents of the input file `f`. Causes a side
effect of reading some header bytes.
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(sam-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of SAMReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of SAMReader.
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(sam-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of SAMWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of SAMWriter.
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(sequence-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object implements protocol ISequenceReader.

Checks if given object implements protocol ISequenceReader.
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(sequence-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object implements protocol ISequenceWriter.

Checks if given object implements protocol ISequenceWriter.
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(twobit-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of TwoBitReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of TwoBitReader.
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(twobit-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of TwoBitWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of TwoBitWriter.
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(variant-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object implements protocol IVariantReader.

Checks if given object implements protocol IVariantReader.
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(variant-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object implements protocol IVariantWriter.

Checks if given object implements protocol IVariantWriter.
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(vcf-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of VCFReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of VCFReader.
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(vcf-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of VCFWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of VCFWriter.
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(wig-reader? rdr)

Checks if given object is an instance of WIGReader.

Checks if given object is an instance of WIGReader.
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(wig-writer? wtr)

Checks if given object is an instance of WIGWriter.

Checks if given object is an instance of WIGWriter.
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