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The core of FASTA index features.

The core of FASTA index features.
raw docstring


(create-index in-fa out-fai)

Creates a FASTA index file from the sequences.

Creates a FASTA index file from the sequences.
sourceraw docstring


(get-header fai name')

Returns index data and a name [:name, :len, :offset, :line-blen, :line-len] of the sequence named name.

Returns index data and a name [:name, :len, :offset, :line-blen, :line-len]
of the sequence named `name`.
sourceraw docstring


(get-headers fai)

Get offsets of all sequences in the FASTA file. Returns a vector of maps where each element contains the following keys:

  • :name: The name of the sequence
  • :desc: Always set to ""
  • :offset: The file offset value to the sequence
Get offsets of all sequences in the FASTA file.
Returns a vector of maps where each element contains the following keys:
- `:name`: The name of the sequence
- `:desc`: Always set to ""
- `:offset`: The file offset value to the sequence
sourceraw docstring


(get-indices fai)

Get fasta indices with the name of the sequence. Returns a vector of maps where each element contains the following keys:

  • :name: The name of the sequence
  • :len: Length of the sequence
  • :offset: The file offset value to the sequence
  • :line-blen: The number of bases of each line
  • :line-len: Length of each sequence line (including the newline)
Get fasta indices with the name of the sequence.
Returns a vector of maps where each element contains the following keys:
- `:name`: The name of the sequence
- `:len`: Length of the sequence
- `:offset`: The file offset value to the sequence
- `:line-blen`: The number of bases of each line
- `:line-len`: Length of each sequence line (including the newline)
sourceraw docstring


(get-span fai name' start end)

Calculate byte spans for FASTA file.

Calculate byte spans for FASTA file.
sourceraw docstring


(reader f)

Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the reader is properly closed.

Returns an open `` of `f`.
Should be used inside with-open to ensure the reader is properly closed.
sourceraw docstring


(writer f)

Returns an open of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the writer is properly closed.

Returns an open `` of `f`.
Should be used inside with-open to ensure the writer is properly closed.
sourceraw docstring

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