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A type of VCF reader and internal functions to read VCF contents. See for the detail VCF specifications.

A type of VCF reader and internal functions to read VCF contents. See for the detail VCF specifications.
raw docstring


(load-header rdr)

Reads from rdr and parses them as header.

Reads from `rdr` and parses them as header.
sourceraw docstring


(load-meta-info rdr)

Reads from rdr and parses them as meta-info.

Reads from `rdr` and parses them as meta-info.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-header-line line)

Parses a single line string as header

Parses a single line string as header
sourceraw docstring


(parse-meta-info-line line)

Parses a single line string as meta-info.

Parses a single line string as meta-info.
sourceraw docstring


(read-file-offsets rdr)

Reads file offsets and a genomic position of variants from bgzip compressed VCF and returns them as a lazy sequence. Each element is a map containing :chr, :chr-index, :beg, :end, :file-beg, :file-end.

Reads file offsets and a genomic position of variants from bgzip compressed
VCF and returns them as a lazy sequence. Each element is a map containing
:chr, :chr-index, :beg, :end, :file-beg, :file-end.
sourceraw docstring


(read-variants rdr)
(read-variants rdr {:keys [depth] :or {depth :deep}})

Reads variants of the VCF/BCF file, returning them as a lazy sequence.

Reads variants of the VCF/BCF file, returning them as a lazy sequence.
sourceraw docstring


(read-variants-randomly rdr
                        {:keys [chr start end] :or {start 1 end 4294967296}}
                        {:keys [depth] :or {depth :deep}})

Reads variants of the bgzip compressed VCF file randomly using tabix/csi file Returning them as a lazy sequence.

Reads variants of the bgzip compressed VCF file randomly using tabix/csi file
Returning them as a lazy sequence.
sourceraw docstring

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