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(build-data-series-decoders {ds-encodings :data-series} bs-decoder blocks)

Builds decoders for data series based on the encodings specified in the given compression header and block data.

ds-encodings is a map {<data series name> <encoding>} and the return value is a map {<data series name> <decoder>}, where:

  • <data series name>: a keyword representing the data series name
  • <encoding>: a map representing the encoding of the data series
  • <decoder>: a function with no arguments that returns a value decoded from the data series upon each call
Builds decoders for data series based on the encodings specified in the given
compression header and block data.

`ds-encodings` is a map {<data series name> <encoding>} and the return value is
a map {<data series name> <decoder>}, where:
  - <data series name>: a keyword representing the data series name
  - <encoding>: a map representing the encoding of the data series
  - <decoder>: a function with no arguments that returns a value decoded from
               the data series upon each call
sourceraw docstring


(build-tag-decoders {:keys [tags]} bs-decoder blocks)

Builds decoders for tags based on the encodings specified in the given compression header and block data.

tags is a map {<tag name> {<type character> <encoding>}} and the return value is a map {<tag name> {<type character> <decoder>}}, where:

  • <tag name>: a keyword representing the tag name
  • <type character>: a character representing a type of the tag
  • <encoding>: a map representing the encoding of the tag and type
  • <decoder>: a function with no arguments that returns a value decoded from the data series for the tag upon each call
Builds decoders for tags based on the encodings specified in the given
compression header and block data.

`tags` is a map {<tag name> {<type character> <encoding>}} and the return
value is a map {<tag name> {<type character> <decoder>}}, where:
  - <tag name>: a keyword representing the tag name
  - <type character>: a character representing a type of the tag
  - <encoding>: a map representing the encoding of the tag and type
  - <decoder>: a function with no arguments that returns a value decoded from
               the data series for the tag upon each call
sourceraw docstring

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