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(meta-info rdr)

Returns meta-information of the BCF from rdr as a map.

Returns meta-information of the BCF from rdr as a map.
sourceraw docstring


(read-file-offsets rdr)

Reads file offsets and a genomic position of variants from BCF and returns them as a lazy sequence. Each element is a map containing :chr, :chr-index, :beg, :end, :file-beg, :file-end.

Reads file offsets and a genomic position of variants from BCF and returns
them as a lazy sequence. Each element is a map containing :chr, :chr-index,
:beg, :end, :file-beg, :file-end.
sourceraw docstring


(read-variants rdr)
(read-variants rdr {:keys [depth] :or {depth :deep}})

Returns data lines of the BCF from rdr as a lazy sequence of maps. rdr must implement cljam.bcf.BCFReader. Can take an option :depth to specify parsing level. Default is :deep.

:deep Fully parsed variant map. FORMAT, FILTER, INFO and samples columns are parsed. :vcf VCF-style map. FORMAT, FILTER, INFO and samples columns are strings. :bcf BCF-style map. CHROM, FILTER, INFO and :genotype contains indices to meta-info. :shallow Only CHROM, POS and ref-length are parsed. :raw Raw map of ByteBuffers.

Returns data lines of the BCF from rdr as a lazy sequence of maps.
rdr must implement cljam.bcf.BCFReader.
Can take an option :depth to specify parsing level. Default is :deep.

  :deep    Fully parsed variant map. FORMAT, FILTER, INFO and samples columns are parsed.
  :vcf     VCF-style map. FORMAT, FILTER, INFO and samples columns are strings.
  :bcf     BCF-style map. CHROM, FILTER, INFO and :genotype contains indices to meta-info.
  :shallow Only CHROM, POS and ref-length are parsed.
  :raw     Raw map of ByteBuffers.
sourceraw docstring


(read-variants-randomly rdr
                        {:keys [chr start end] :or {start 1 end 4294967296}}
                        {:keys [depth] :or {depth :deep}})

Reads variants of the BCF file randomly using csi file. Returns them as a lazy sequence.

Reads variants of the BCF file randomly using csi file.
Returns them as a lazy sequence.
sourceraw docstring


(reader f)

Returns an open cljam.bcf.reader.BCFReader of f. Should be used inside with-open to ensure the Reader is properly closed. Throws IOException if failed to parse BCF file format.

Returns an open cljam.bcf.reader.BCFReader of f. Should be used inside
with-open to ensure the Reader is properly closed.
Throws IOException if failed to parse BCF file format.
sourceraw docstring

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