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(make-splitter {:keys [info] format' :format} header)

Returns a function that splits a multiallelic variant into a sequence of biallelic variants.

Returns a function that splits a multiallelic variant into a sequence of
biallelic variants.
sourceraw docstring


(normalize ref-reader meta-info header)
(normalize ref-reader meta-info header variants)

Splits multiallelic variants and realigns all alleles. Returns a lazy sequence of normalized variants. Note that the result may be unsorted due to the realignment. Returns a transducer when no variant is provided. The transducer does not guarantee thread safety of ref-reader.

Splits multiallelic variants and realigns all alleles. Returns a lazy
sequence of normalized variants. Note that the result may be unsorted due to
the realignment. Returns a transducer when no variant is provided. The
transducer does not guarantee thread safety of `ref-reader`.
sourceraw docstring


(realign seq-reader variant)
(realign seq-reader
         {:keys [alt] ref' :ref :as variant}
         {:keys [window] :or {window 100}})

Left-align and trim REF/ALT alleles.

Left-align and trim REF/ALT alleles.
sourceraw docstring

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