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Sorter of the SAM/BAM format alignments.

Sorter of the SAM/BAM format alignments.
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Default number of alignments to split when sorting.

Default number of alignments to split when sorting.
sourceraw docstring


(merge-sorted-seqs-by key-fn seqs)

Returns a lazy sequence from pre-sorted sequences. Each sequences must be sorted by key-fn. Returns first sequence if only 1 sequence is given.

Returns a lazy sequence from pre-sorted sequences.
Each sequences must be sorted by key-fn.
Returns first sequence if only 1 sequence is given.
sourceraw docstring


(sort! rdr wtr {:keys [mode chunk-size cache-fmt] :or {cache-fmt :bam}})

Sorts alignments of rdr by mode and writes them to wtr. :coordinate and :queryname are available for mode.

Sorts alignments of rdr by mode and writes them to wtr.
:coordinate and :queryname are available for mode.
sourceraw docstring


(sort-by-pos rdr wtr & [option])

Sorts alignments by chromosomal position.

Sorts alignments by chromosomal position.
sourceraw docstring


(sort-by-qname rdr wtr & [option])

Sort alignments by query name.

Sort alignments by query name.
sourceraw docstring


(sort-order rdr)

Returns sorting order of the sam as Keyword. Returning order is one of the following: :queryname, :coordinate, :unsorted, :unknown.

Returns sorting order of the sam as Keyword. Returning order is one of the
following: :queryname, :coordinate, :unsorted, :unknown.
sourceraw docstring


(sorted? rdr)

Returns true if the sam is sorted, false if not. It is detected by @HD SO:*** tag in the header.

Returns true if the sam is sorted, false if not. It is detected by
`@HD SO:***` tag in the header.
sourceraw docstring

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